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Odessa’s Oldest House RevitalizedWhen you’re in Odessa, Texas, take the time to visit the Historic White-Pool House and Event Venue.  Located just minutes to the north of Interstate 20, the historic home is the oldest remaining structure in Odessa and Ector County.    In 1887,...
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Odessa is a vibrant, energetic, and dynamic city in West Texas that boasts fresh air, awe-inspiring sunsets and the friendliest people you’ll ever meet! A visit to Odessa can put you in a replica of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, the cockpit of a World War II fighter plane or the only archive and leadership library dedicated to the Presidency.
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Author: Summer Fleming Exploring the infamous Stonehenge in Wiltshire, New England would be a remarkable experience, but going across the ocean isn’t easy for everyone. Explore the ancient history of England through an incredible replica of England’s Stonehenge right here...
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